Where to find our products

Mexico in Alaska sells three flavors of burritos and salsa in Sagaya stores.


We sell three flavors of burritos, which customers can find at New Sagaya's two locations in Anchorage as well as Anchorage Carrs Safeways.

 We make regular beef flavor, spicy, and vegetarian burritos.


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Our hot and mild salsa can be purchased at New Sagaya's locations in Anchorage or from the restaurant



If you are interested in selling Mexico in Alaska products, please contact Maria-Elena Ball between 11 am and 3 pm at 907.349.1528. 

Mole Sauce and Tamales

Our mole sauce and tamales are available exclusively from our restaurant.

Where to Find Us

Mexico in Alaska

7305 Old Seward Hwy
Anchorage, 99518


Phone: +1 907 349-1528


Monday -Friday           

11:30 am 8 pm


Closed Saturday and Sunday 

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